Ferney Aragon - Ana Torres Villareal
Glossa represents human diversity, the tongue (lingua in Latin) is the organ of speech. The voice is the result of the interaction of an entire system in which the tongue is the output, it is the organ that connects the inside to ves as a medium to represent the distance connecting communities and individuals, having a voice reveals freedom [of speech], not having one or being silenced is the ultimate endorsement of oppression.

Language serves as a medium to represent the distance connecting communities and individuals, having a voice reveals freedom [of speech], not having one or being silenced is the ultimate endorsement of oppression.
In the Greek myth of Philomena, after raping Philomena, Tereus mutilates [castrates] Philomena by chopping her tongue off, hence silencing Philomena from voicing her frustration. Philomena wove a tapestry in which she tells her story to her sister Procne who is at the same time Tereus's wife. Procne kills Itys, the son of Tereus and Philomena and serves it as a meal to Tereus. By doing so the tongue, acting as the organ of taste is reconfigured as the witness of Tereus’ deeds and the way Philomena’s revenge is accomplished.
Due to the violence depicted in this myth, the song of the nightingale is [often] interpreted/depicted as a sorrowful lament. The female nightingale is mute, whereas the male of the species sings, establishing a clear allusion to power relations.
Neither the signified nor the signifier gain importance in comparison to the voluptuousness of sounds. Pleasure and signifiers are not related. Message are delivered employing the body, coarseness is a corporal dimension of the voice, it cannot be represented in either meaning or notion, it invokes the erotic, thus seduces.
"De la seducción" is a video-audio intra-active installation composed of a video projection, 4 photographs displayed on the walls, and several audio pieces. Based upon the myth of Philomena, "de la seduccion" explores ideas such as the entanglement of voice and body in relation to language and meaning. Where seduction becomes an spontaneous form of the political.
By displaying a muted video of human vocal cords in action in contrast to an audio of a singing bird [a male nightingale] we would like to re-create a metaphor in which the singing bird gives voice to the silence of the unheard. Additionally, visitors can trigger sounds and can discover other layers of meanings.
The four images that will accompany this installation act not only as referential pieces but also as conceptual elements that portray "the physical - visual coarseness of voices and sounds.
4 Photographs
2 projectors
1 smoke machine / 6 small vaporizers
1 piece of smoggi fabric (held by 4 points). Transparent thread, small hoops, screws etc. 12 small speakers
1 Sound synchronizer
1 Video synchronizer
2 Isadora keys
4 pin cameras.
PPing and desired layout
This piece is composed of a video projection, 4 photographs displayed on the walls, and several audio pieces.
This projection measures 2.40m by 2.40m.
The projection would be located in the middle of a room in a diagonal way, the piece itself needs 2 pping (tall) x 2 pping (wide) x 1(depth) ppings of space for its ́s exhibition.
We need 2 walls to hang 4 photographs each photograph measures 1.20 x 80 m (1 ppin). Space around it should be considered (to be able to walk around it and to take enough space to see and hear the image from a distance (aprox 4 (wide) x (depth half front and half back) x 3(tall) ppins.